A scene from Bullitt, shot in San Francisco 1968.
San Francisco is now open for shooting. This is great news for ad agencies, production companies and anyone tired of shooting Tik Toks in their bedroom.
We got a memo from Susannah Greason Robbins, Executive Director San Francisco Film Commission via our talented producer Julie Costanzo. And with LA still on production lockdown, this gives crews a great California option to get back to our craft. And, well, getting back to some level of normalcy in the industry. Here are the specifics, as we understand them, from the memo:
As of May 17th, there has been a re-introduction of permitting for productions in San Francisco.
Under the order, there are some specific conditions that need to be met for film permitting according to San Francisco order of the health officer #C19-07d.
Film SF/San Francisco Film Commission will begin issuing permits for productions and to production companies that want to engage in film production in San Francisco in accordance with the May 17, 2020 ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER No. C19-07d, provided productions are able to meet the following guidelines:
• Crew and personnel on location is limited to the fewest number of people needed up to a maximum of 10 people. (This will reduce the number of hangers-on, groupies and paparazzi, but this seems consistent with everything else going on in the world.)
• All crew and personnel on location must comply with social distancing, face covering, and sanitation requirements as noted in the Order of the Health Officer. So if you don’t like wearing a mask, you gotta go work in Georgia.
• If filming indoors, the location must be (and remain) closed to the public in addition to the three requirements noted above.
Note: Film SF/Film Commission still does not permit private locations, Recreation & Parks jurisdictions or GGNRA
These three provisions are the main criteria we’ll need to follow. There are a few questions this brings up and we can assume it’s a fluid situation. For the latest update on the health order in San Francisco, go to this link: https://sf.gov/stay-home-except-essential-needs
The questions that came up are answered here:
Are photographers permitted to work under the new May 17 order?
Yes, photographers are permitted to work as follows: First, photography related to news/journalism is permitted under the exception for “Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services.” Second, personal outdoor photography is allowed as a permissible outdoor activity. And third, as long as it was done before March 16, 2020 primarily outdoors, professional photography that is done outdoors is permitted as an Outdoor Business, so long as social distance requirements are maintained.
Are permits for film productions allowed right now?
Yes, in compliance with the listed above.
How long will it take to get a permit?
We typically require 4 full business days to process a permit (5 business days for student permits) but due to Covid-19 circumstances we may need more lead time to process your permit.
Can I get a permit to post parking for production vehicles?
Yes, if a production meets the requirements for filming under the Order, then you may also obtain a permit to post parking. You will need to go through the procedures to obtain a permit and will need to work with one of the posting vendors to post your parking. We are not allowing productions to self-post at this time.
What are the current social distancing, sanitation and face covering requirements for productions?
Productions should follow the social distancing, sanitation and face covering guidelines in the Order of the Health Officer at: https://sf.gov/coronavirus- safety-essential-businesses
Productions must also give the personnel screening handout to all cast/crew who work on productions found here: https://sf.gov/sites/default/ files/2020-05/COVID19- Personnel-Screening-Handout- FINAL-05.08.2020.pdf
What Else Do I Need to Know?
• It’s always important to be respectful of the public and merchants and try to impact access to merchants as little as possible. Same as usual; be respectful when shooting and give people extra space.
• Posted parking will be limited in order to facilitate merchants getting back to business, including curbside pick-ups by their customers.
•Permits will be issued on a case-by-case basis
Big thank you to the SF Film Commision and Julie Costanzo. http://jmcostanzo.com/
The Small Agency Blog is produced by Division of Labor; a top San Francisco ad agency and digital marketing firm that’s been named Small Agency of the Year twice by Ad Age. The award-winning creative shop services clients on a retainer or project basis. They also offer brand consulting services and hourly engagements for startups and smaller brands. Click here for a free consultation.