Golf commercials are not particularly funny. Most players take the game seriously so brands think they have to out-do each other with technology, innovation, jargon and golf pros. It’s pretty tedious. And not all that smart given that the time golfers are watching golf or playing golf is about the best time of their entire week. They’re lose, cracking jokes and having fun. So why give them dull, unfunny commercials?
The founders of Division of Labor created the commercial when they were at Goodby Silverstein and Partners. What is the benefit of custom clubs? Greater accuracy. Why do golfer need greater accuracy? Watch.
Division of Labor is advertising agency based in the San Francisco Bay area. The two founders worked together at Goodby Silverstein and Partners. One night after the spot started airing on golf tournaments and sporting events, one of the founders was out to dinner with his wife and another couple. The other guy starts telling this story about the funniest commercial he’s ever seen. And he starts describing the spot scene for scene. They didn’t need focus groups or digital testing. No need for analytics or heat mapping a viewers eyeballs. This guy was laughing his @ss off just describing the commercial. So they knew they had a winner.
- was an online custom club brand that came about during the internet 1.0. And the thing about the internet 1.0 is that it’s called that because of the massive technology bubble it created. The majority of internet 1.0 brands exploded ina flurry of hype, inflated market values and greed., like so many other .coms, crashed hard, ran out of money and folded.
Yes, they did. Division of Labor is an advertising agency in San Francisco because of the lessons learned at Goodby Silverstein and partners. And one of those lessons is, “you’re an advertising agency, not a bank.” Thanks, Jeff and Rich.