When Division of Labor became the ad agency of record for the San Jose Sharks, the agency presented a kind of crazy idea; paint the houses of Sharks fans teal. The idea was to create a visual record of Sharks fans throughout the Bay Area so that everyone who drove past would know how die-hard and dedicated Sharks fans are.
Division of Labor is an advertising agency in San Francisco known for audacious ideas like this. The agency develops ad campaigns that, first and foremost, get attention. And that’s exactly what the Teal Houses promotion did. Of course, before the Sharks could start painting their fans’ homes, the agency had to find the fans willing to do it.
So the agency created a small digital campaign announcing the promotion online, on the radio, via social media and at the stadium during games. The ask was simple; if you want your house painted teal in honor of the Sharks, visit our website and signup. And thousands of people did sign up.
Of course, keep in mind, Bay Area real estate is some of the most expensive in the world. And the Sharks were asking people with multi-million dollar investments to risk them in order to show their loyalty. But the agency often talks about how people don’t make rational purchase decisions and instead make emotional ones. Division of Labor is one of the top ad agencies in the Bay Area because they adhere to a philosophy of appeal to the emotions and following up with the rational justifications. So when over a thousand families signed up to have their house painted teal, it wasn’t a surprise.
After the first five houses were painted teal, each was followed up with a celebration and an official bronze plaque dedicating each house as an official house of Sharks territory. There are currently over 30 official houses of Sharks territory and the press has given the promotion millions of dollars in coverage since it started.